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Close Alert

All branches and Member Services will be closed on Monday, February 17 for the Presidents Day Holiday. 

*FRAUD ALERT* Members are receiving phone calls from scammer pretending to be with our fraud department. These scammers are asking for personal and account information. They can make it look like the call is coming from our phone number, this is called spoofing. Please remember that credit union staff, including our fraud department, will NEVER ask you for this information. 

United Local will NEVER ask for your username, password, verification code or one time passcode. If you are contacted by someone asking for any of this information or someone tells you to download software to verify activity on your account, or to make a deposit to your account, IT IS A SCAM.  If you are asked for this information, hang up and contact Member Services immediately at 559-227-8329 Option 2. Visit our Security Page for more information.

United Local Credit Union. Built By Hard-Working People

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Annual Tax Information

Where to find year end totals, links to state and federal resources & more!

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Financial Security & Insurance

How safe is my money? 
Is my account insured?

You've got questions...
We've got answers!

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Online Application


Apply for Membership, Auto Loans, Personal Loans, Lines of Credit & VISA Credit Cards!

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Financial Education & Member Wellness


Get all the information you need on Money Basics, Loans, Homes, Retirement & More!